10 snabba fakta - Moderkakan

10 quick facts - The placenta

A normal mother's cake:
* The placenta has a dark reddish-brown, almost bluish color & is approx. 2-2.5 cm thick. The
* The placenta is approx. 22 cm in diameter & weighs around 0.4 kg
* There are no two placentas that are alike, they are as unique as fingerprints. The
* The placenta has two sides: the maternal side & the fetal side. The
* The maternal side is the side of the placenta that attaches to the inside of the uterus. It is usually more reddish in color with an uneven, lumpy surface.​​
* The fetal side is the side facing the baby where the umbilical cord attaches. This side is smoother in surface & with a "bluish" color. It is on this page that you can see the "Tree of Life", i.e. the attachment of the umbilical cord & vessel which resembles a tree. Can make very nice prints (paintings) from this! See HERE .
* 90% of all umbilical cords attach to the center of the placenta. They are about 55-60 cm long and about 2 cm in diameter
* The umbilical cord consists of two arteries & one vein. They are surrounded by what is called Warthon's jelly. This allows the umbilical cord to have a knot without affecting blood flow. It is very rare to get a so-called true knot on the umbilical cord. So a knot that affects the blood's ability to come forward.​​
* The size of the placenta depends on the baby's size & health. Small baby, small placenta & vice versa. The
* The amniotic sac consists of two membranes. Amnion (inner) that surrounds the baby & the amniotic fluid. The chorion (outer) that surrounds the amnion & attaches to the placenta. The

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